316 Stainless Steel (A4)

Grease Fittings

AISI 316 Grade Stainless Steel, sometimes referred to as A4, V4A, 1.4404 Stainless Steel or marine grade stainless steel, is the second most common austenitic stainless steel after 304/A2.

It is commonly used in chemical and petrochemical industry, in food processing, pharmaceutical equipment, medical devices, in potable water, wastewater treatment, in marine applications and architectural applications near the seashore or in urban areas.

Grade 316L (1.4404) is a lower carbon version of 316, which is easier to machine, making it suitable for fasters and small turned components. It is actually more corrosion resistant than the standard 316 (1.4401) grade.

Product category 316 stainless fittings Grease Nipple Manufacturer

316 Stainless Steel - Standard Fittings

Below are our most common 316 Stainless Steel fittings. To view the product please click the product code.

Kingfisher Code


1/4" x 28 SAE-LT Straight

1/8" x 27 PTF Straight

1/8" x 27 PTF 45°

1/8" x 27 PTF 90°

1/8" x 28 BSPT (R1/8) Straight

1/8" x 28 BSPT (R1/8) 45°

1/8" x 28 BSPT (R1/8) 90°

M6 x 1 Straight

M6 x 1 45°

M6 x 1 90°

M8 x 1 Straight

M8 x 1 45°

M8 x 1 90°

M10 x 1 Straight

M10 x 1 45°

M10 x 1 90°

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