Our Quality Policy
Kingfisher (Lubrication) Limited is a volume UK manufacturer and worldwide distributor of high quality grease nipples and other machined components used in maintaining and lubricating a diverse range of machinery and vehicles throughout the world.
The company is committed to satisfying the applicable requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 standard, the various international standards used to define the product, all relevant compliance obligations and a commitment to continual improvement of the Quality Management System. The quality policy provides a framework for setting quality objectives.
The Board of Directors has overall responsibility, with delegated responsibility to all employees, for the implementation of this policy establishing agreed objectives and ensuring that they are revised and updated on an annual basis
This quality policy will be communicated, understood and applied by working closely with our customers, continuously developing our skilled and competent workforce, encouraging strategic supplier partnerships; ensure sustainability of our structured quality assurance strategy, and reacting with a sense of urgency when business or product development is identified.
Through the collection, analysis and communication of performance data Kingfisher ensures that staff understand how their job roles contribute to the effective implementation of this policy and work towards its improvement as well as meeting the objectives.
The company Quality Policy does not conflict with our Health & Safety policy, which ensures that our working practices are safe and compliant with current legislation.
The Directors confirm that this Quality Policy Statement reflects the current business structure and operation. This quality policy is available to relevant interested parties, via our website.
L. Nugent
Managing Director
1st October 2020